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Landlord Policy Coverage

Landlord Policy Coverage Information

Coverage for expenses you may be legally obligated to pay for property damage or medical payments in the event of an injury, as well as legal counsel and fees in the event of a lawsuit.

Dwelling Replacement
Refers to the cost to rebuild the residence on its existing lot, built to the same quality using the same materials.

Property Coverage Provides coverage to your property and attached structures from a fire, natural disaster, damage caused by tenants, etc.

Loss of Use/Rent
Provides additional expenses to make up for loss income if your property is damaged due to a covered incident.

Medical Payments
Coverage designed to pay for medical expenses to others who are accidentally injuries on an insured location or by the activities of an insured or an animal owned by or in the care of the insured.

Personal Injury
Provided for coverage of libel and/or slander, false arrest, detention or imprisonment, wrongful eviction or entry, malicious prosecution and associated legal costs.